Turo, an online car rental service known as the “Airbnb of cars,” is under scrutiny after being involved in two incidents in New Orleans and Las Vegas. The service allows individual car owners to rent out their vehicles to users who make payments through the platform. Turo confirmed that vehicles rented on its platform were used in the incidents, but they believe the renters did not have criminal backgrounds that would have flagged them as security threats. Authorities have said there is no definitive link between the incidents at this time.
Turo, previously known as RelayRides, was created in 2009 and gained popularity alongside other peer-to-peer startups disrupting traditional markets. However, concerns about security have been raised as cars rented from platforms like Turo have been stolen for nefarious purposes. In a four-month period, NBC News found 49 reports of motor vehicle thefts in Washington, D.C., involving cars rented from Turo or its rival, representing 6% of all incidents during that time.
As of September 30, Turo had approximately 150,000 active hosts worldwide with 350,000 active vehicle listings and 3.5 million active guests. Turo assures hosts that they are “safe” in trusting the platform as they screen each guest to ensure safety when handing over their keys. The incidents involving Turo have once again raised concerns about security on peer-to-peer platforms and the potential risks associated with renting vehicles online.
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